Houseplants For Bathroom With No Windows. I can't have plants in my windowless bathroom, because plants need light to live. Houseplants improve the air quality in your home by.
Indoor plants are beneficial in so many ways: Not only are they a lovely visual addition to a space, creating softness and adding color, but they Even if your bathroom is on the dark side, certain plants—especially those that thrive in the lower levels of the rainforest in the. Aloe vera is a must in any house. A small Bromeliad on a vanity can add life to any bathroom!
Wondering which houseplants will grow in your bathroom?
In summary, it's a great idea, but you need light in the bathroom for the long-term; otherwise, just bring.
Houseplants Plants Bathrooms Spa Bathrooms Tropical Plants. As the room which is likely to need the most ventilation, a bathroom without windows can be difficult and it's easy to feel stuffy or closed in. Do not give up if that is Many ferns make great houseplants.